Planning Consent has been successfully granted for a 140,000
sq ft Tesco superstore on the land next to Salford Shopping City
in Pendleton, creating 750 jobs and a much needed boost to
the local economy.
However, bringing this development to site was not
straightforward and Urban Vision’s Property, Planning,
Engineering and Design Teams have worked long and hard in
conjunction with Salford City Council to bring a 25 year journey
to a successful conclusion.
The History
In the mid 1980’s the Council wanted to locate a large modern
food retail superstore in Pendleton to work hand in hand with
Salford Shopping City. However, due to relatively low land values
at this time and issues relating to the current land usage, the
project didn’t progress.
In early 2000, the Council took the initiative to progress this
opportunity. Although the majority of the site was in the
ownership of the City Council, three private properties remained,
which included; a Roman Catholic Primary School, a Methodist
Church and a laundry building.
Negotiations from Urban Vision’s Property Team commenced to
acquire both the RC Primary School and the Methodist Church on
the basis of a Compulsory Purchase Order, which required the
Council to relocate and fund the rebuilding of the Church and
School at alternative locations. The work to achieve this was
both detailed and complex, however sites for these facilities
were successfully secured in Langworthy and Seedley, further
contributing to the regeneration of that area.
As the Council wanted a scheme that would link with the
existing shopping centre, Supplemental Planning Guidance was
developed and issued indicating how the development of the
site should be taken forwards.
The proposals have been the source of considerable debate
and dispute with the former and current owners of Salford
Shopping City, involving a number of Judicial Review decisions
that have been successfully overcome, leaving the path clear for
development works to commence.
Planning consent has been secured and the sales agreement
represents the single largest capital receipt the City Council has
ever received.
We are pleased to announce that the construction of the
superstore is anticipated to start in autumn 2011.
Thanks to Urban Vision for this article.
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