A multi-million pound regeneration project which will create 1,600 new homes in Salford has been approved by the government.
Housing Minister Grant Shapps has signed off the next stage of an investment programme for Pendleton after being reassured it will deliver improvements that are value for money for local people.
Since the October public spending review, housing private finance initiative (PFI) projects nationally have been put on hold to undergo further scrutiny from the Homes and Communities Agency.
Salford's plans survived the review which means the city council can now push forward with its plan to completely redevelop Pendleton with a mixture of new housing and improvements to some 1,200 existing homes.
The council will now put together a full business case to submit to the government for further review.
A decision is expected in the next few months after which a preferred bidder to carry out the work will be chosen.
Councillor Peter Connor, Salford City Council's lead member for housing said: "Our plan for Pendleton will give residents a better choice of affordable housing and we're pleased the government supports us in what we're trying to achieve.
"There is still lots to do but this news allows us to move to the next stage which is to submit further plans to the government so we can move to financial close and start work."
Leader of Salford City Council, Cllr John Merry said: "This review compared many PFI projects so for the Government to choose to support us shows our plans are very well thought out and good value for money for the people of Salford."
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