Wednesday 16 March 2011

Tories ‘backsliding’ on Chapel Street vision

2011/03/006 Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Salford Tories were accused of ‘backsliding’ on a key regeneration scheme after complaints that the plan will make it harder for commuters to get through the city into Manchester.
Work is due to begin next Monday on a £10 million scheme to refashion the Chapel Street area of the city which will bring in £500 million of private investment and thousands of jobs.
At the heart of the scheme is a vision for Chapel Street to become a ‘tree-lined boulevard’ with wider pavements and a new square.
Labour planning lead member Cllr Derek Antrobus said: “The fact that Chapel Street is a major thoroughfare makes it unattractive for residents and for business investment.
“By reducing the traffic along the street we will pave way for a future street lined with shops, bars and restaurants, new homes and new offices while preserving some of the splendid old buildings there.”
The scheme evolved from the biggest ever consultation in Salford when 3,900 people took part in producing the Central Salford Vision.
The detailed planning guidance, an outline planning application and highways orders were unanimously approved by the Council and its planning committee.
But despite earlier support, Tories called for the scheme to be withdrawn because it would lead to delays for commuters.
During a heated debated at today’s Council meeting, it emerged that Tory Cllr Robin Garrido had expressed concern that it would take longer for him to get into Manchester.
Labour’s Cllr Roger Jones insisted: “You should be thinking first about the people who live and work in Chapel Street. This is a Salford scheme for Salford people.”
And Cllr Antrobus said: “The bus lanes will be better so it will be quicker for commuters using public transport.
“We are just finishing off work to the Crescent to make it easier for drivers to use Albion Way and then Liverpool Street or Regent Road where junction and signalling improvements will create the capacity for the diverted traffic.
“We know that while the work is going on there will be delays and diversions. That is inevitable and we apologise for the inconvenience. But that temporary disruption is no reason to give up on the plan.
“We have given a pledge that we will reclaim Chapel Street for the people and businesses of Salford. We will keep our pledge in contrast to the Tories who seem to be backsliding on this.”

Issued on behalf of the Salford Local Government Committee
Press Officer: Derek Antrobus, 4 Temple Drive, Swinton, M27 4EB,
Tel: 0161 793 7713

The City Party – officially known as the Local Government Committee – decides Labour’s manifesto, chooses candidates and runs election campaigns to win seats on Salford City Council. It consists of delegates from the Party’s 20 branches in the city – one from each ward – as well as delegates appointed by the three Constituency Labour Party organisations. Labour Group leader Cllr John Merry and Labour Group secretary Cllr John Warmisham are also delegates.

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