At a time when many other local authorities across the UK are
having to switch off their street lights to save money, Urban
Vision, working on behalf of Salford City Council, have devised
a plan to improve the street lighting performance in Salford
and save the Council money at the same time. This innovative
new scheme is expected to initially save the Council at least
£40,000 each year in reduced energy costs, and is likely to be
significantly more due to the energy inflation levels predicted
over the coming years. This would see the Council save around
£800,000 over the 20 year life span of the new LED lantern.
Following recent trails, we are extremely pleased to announce
that 2000 new LED street lights will be retrofitted on over 300
streets across the City with Salford City Council being one of
the first local authorities to introduce this initiative within the
Region. The new LED lanterns will be supplied by LED Roadway
Lighting, a leader in this field, with installation anticipated to be
completed by the end of the year.
The LED street lighting uses around half the amount of
energy currently used by the existing street lights and with
the enhanced durability of the LED lighting technology, it will
require only minimal maintenance over its life span.
In addition to the reduced carbon savings and value for money
benefits, community safety will also be enhanced, as the light
produced from the LED lighting is a high quality white light with
an excellent colour definition, making the streets brighter at
night for pedestrians and local residents.
Following the fitting of the new street lights, the next stage is
look to develop a plan to roll out this LED initiative across the
City to bring further efficiencies, savings and improved lighting
to the residents of Salford.
Above is an article by Urban Vision. I'm pleased to announce that Langworthy Ward will be having some of the initial lights installed. Sites identified are :
Almond Close
Amersham Street
Citrus Way
Clementine Close
Coconut Grove
Coomassie Street
Culverwell Drive
Mango Place
Melksham Close
Melon Place
Sandy Grove
Tenbury Close
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