Really pleased today (9/6/11) that Andy Burnham MP was able to come to Langworthy Ward to officially open Willow Tree Primary School. The school is an ultra modern two form entry primary school, providing capacity for 420 children reception to key stage 2 and a 60 place nursery. The interior and exterior have been designed to ensure the children have a fantastic learning experience. Talking to the children on a tour round, they thought it a fantastic place to learn so much better than the old schools that they had come from. I was very impressed with the children who were so polite, engaging and confident. If this is the future generation of Langworthy we should do all we can to encourage and nurture them. A big thanks to Headteacher Mrs.R.Munro, staff and governors for making us so welcome. This school will serve future generations thanks to the investment of a Labour Government working with a Labour Council.
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