The Tory-led Government is taking a huge gamble with our economy and is now taking an even bigger gamble with our safety by cutting the police budget by more than 20 per cent over the next four years.
Figures released in January show that recorded fell by seven per cent nationally in the year ending September 2010. Yet the Tory-led Government is risking this progress by cutting police funding.
Accountants KPMG have estimated that these cuts could mean around 18,000 officers could be lost while the Police Federation has suggested that around 20,000 police officers would be lost by the end of the Spending Review. A similar number of police staff – who help to free up police officers from administrative tasks to be on the frontline and involved in crime prevention and investigations – could also be lost.
In our area,GM Police face a reduction to their budget which could result in fewer police officers on the street to deal with crime and anti-social behaviour. It could also have a serious impact on other vital services such as the specialist officers used to deal with domestic violence and prevent child abuse.
I’m angry at the recklessness of their decisions and I don’t think they understand the impact that such a drastic reduction of police officers in Salford could have.
Furthermore, the Conservative-led Government also plans to waste £100 million on a new tier of politicians through imposing directly elected police commissioners. People will be rightly angry to hear that this money equates to 600 full-time police officers – at a time of savage cuts to police budgets, this money could be better spent.
The Tory policy of cuts to police funding is reckless and potentially damaging to our community – please join me in taking action to oppose their plan by signing our petition calling on Cameron and Clegg NOT to cut police numbers at campaignengineroom.org.uk/police.